Finishing - Digital

Duplo USA Is Awarded the '2014 Hardware Partner of the Year' by Xerox
April 8, 2015 at 10:36 am

Xerox honored Duplo USA at its annual Business Innovation Partner of the Year awards ceremony with the 2014 Hardware Partner of the Year award. Xerox recognized the efforts of ten leading partners that help Xerox and its customers capture new opportunities and achieve business success.

New Members Join the Digital Postpress Club
March 23, 2015 at 9:40 am

Digital printer vendors have something of a natural preference for running their presses in "print only" mode with nothing extra attached to potentially gum up the works. But the very nature of continuous inkjet (no plates, very short back-to-back runs) argues strongly for integrating finishing so that a complete product can come out the end with little labor involved.