Interactive Print - Augmented Reality
At PRINT 17, Michael Chase provided highlights from the company’s 2018 Print In a Digital World trend report.
The fact is, print is changing, and now, more than ever before, brand managers are looking for creative ways not just to sell something, but to get people talking.
In the future, we may not even need to type; we will send messages back and forth using brainwaves.
You might be tempted to think that interactive print is all about gimmicks. But that would be a mistake.
In today’s always-on, highly competitive marketing landscape a printer can no longer just offer a conventional siloed service offering
When it comes to branding, companies are looking to stand out from the crowd.
Interactive print is the next step for your shop, and you can’t wait to start pushing the boundaries.
Interactive print is really only limited by the imagination of the printer and the brand.
Professor Levenson and former Seybold editor John Parsons are introducing a new, hybrid media approach to book publishing.
In a recent webinar, Victoria K. Stephen, USPS, explains the advantages of pairing a digital marketing campaign with direct mail.