In today’s always-on, highly competitive marketing landscape a printer can no longer just offer a conventional siloed service offering
Interactive Print - QR
Interactive print is the next step for your shop, and you can’t wait to start pushing the boundaries.
Interactive print is really only limited by the imagination of the printer and the brand.
In a recent webinar, Victoria K. Stephen, USPS, explains the advantages of pairing a digital marketing campaign with direct mail.
As brands seek ways to make packaging more interactive, some have tried implementing technologies such as NFC, RFID and QR Codes.
Roi Aldaag discusses QRLead, a marketing platform that presents dynamic digital identity and profiles across platforms.
As brands are continually striving to increase their interaction with consumers, smart packaging…
The Print and Graphics Scholarship Foundation (PGSF) has released a new career poster to recruit young people into the graphics industry. The 17x22" poster was printed through a partnership with HP and GPA Specialty Substrate Solutions, and was produced on the floor during the recent GRAPH EXPO 15 print show on the HP Indigo 10000 digital press.
Heinz known for its 57 varieties, added a 58th that apparently did not go over very well across the Atlantic Ocean.
This week, Structural Graphics features a dimensional mailer with a QR code it created for client Ford Canada. Structural Graphics teamed up with its partner Information Packaging, to create a custom stage pop folder.