Mailing/Fulfillment - Postal Trends
I love when I can share a great format and show variations of that format. Today, we’ll look at one zip-strip mailer done three ways.
The Royal Mail in the U.K. released new environmental guidelines that will be made by all types of customers in the near future.
Marketing Mail revenue during Q3 increased $324 million, or 9.4%, on volume growth of 545 million pieces, or 3.5%.
Adam LeFebvre exemplifies how passion and a burning desire to always look ahead, can transform hard work into incredible success.
The Postal Service Reform Act improves the USPS’s finances. That should prompt a new review of rate caps for Market Dominant mail.
On Total Retail Talks, Editor-in-Chief Joe Keenan interviews Lisa Erickson, senior director of CRM at Sleep Number.
Here is a brilliant and nostalgic self-mailer that I think you’re going to love.
Direct response channels, including direct mail, can tap into the natural Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO), to generate better responses.
I’m always inspired when I see a fresh take on a common theme. In this case, it’s the puzzle piece.
Keep US Posted applauds the House Committee on Appropriations for directing the PRC to study the impact of planned postage increases.