Mailing/Fulfillment - Postal Trends
The USPS has reported a modest controllable income for Q2 of fiscal year 2017 of $12 million — it fell short of the $576 million.
The PRC review finds that the USPS’s FY 2016 Report and FY 2017 Plan comply with all but one of the legal requirements.
On June 20, USPS will release a commemorative Total Solar Eclipse Forever stamp with thermochromic ink to celebrate the eclipse.
“Told you so. Now don’t try to slap us with a Stupidity Tax.” That, in essence, is the magazine industry’s response to the USPS.
While the USPS had a third consecutive year of net positive Operating Income, it is $578M less than the previous net operating income.
NPES, Idealliance Members, during the NPES-Idealliance 2017 Legislative Conference, brought a timely, unified message to Capitol Hill.
Commemorative stamps released last summer were printed via the traditional intaglio printing process, resulting in off-center stamps. Linn's Stamp News spoke with a USPS representative to find out why the process was used and how it resulted in the less-than-perfect collectables.
The increasing use of non-career letter carriers has caused a steady rise in motor vehicle accidents and liability.
Michael Makin, PIA president and CEO, applauds the passage of H.R. 756, the Postal Service Reform Act.
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved H.R. 756, the Postal Service Reform Act of 2017, as amended.