Mergers & Acquisitions
Expanding its capacity in Computer Generated Imagery (CGI), HudsonYards Studios is adding Shootdigital’s creative team to its company.
Jay Mandarino wants to become Canada’s largest commercial printer. His C.J. Group of Companies now comprises 24 firms—and growing.
Perhaps the biggest piece of news in the printing industry so far this year RR Donnelley’s announcement that it would split three ways.
The Drummond Press in Jacksonville, Florida, has announced a deal to obtain control of the print division of RGI.
To further strengthen its financial services data analytics offerings, Deluxe Corp. has acquired 100 percent of Datamyx LLC.
Jarden Corp. will acquire Visant Holding Corp. for an enterprise value of approximately $1.5 billion.
Learn the key steps that are necessary to maximize market value from industry M&A pros.
Sentinel Printing has been acquired by Bang Printing and its subsidiaries. Sentinel will retain its plant in Saint Cloud, Minnesota.
Not everyone who claims to be a capable M&A advisor proves to be one in practice.
In a new agreement, Gannett Co. will acquire all of the outstanding common stock of Journal Media Group for approximately $280 million, net of acquired cash. Under the terms of the transaction, which was unanimously approved by the boards of directors of both companies and is subject to Journal Media Group shareholder approval, Journal Media Group shareholders will receive cash of $12 per share in cash.