Offset Printing - Web

Graph Expo: Sheetfed/Web Offset Printing -- Still Making Impressions
November 1, 2008

Despite growing industry demand for digital printing devices, the fact remains that lithographic sheetfed and web presses still dominate the pressrooms—and revenue streams—for the majority of commercial printing operations. Following on the heels of Drupa in Germany, Graph Expo in Chicago provided the first glimpse for most U.S. printers to learn first-hand how offset press manufacturers continue to prove their relevancy in an evolving industry.  

For Quad, It's Easy Being Green
November 1, 2008

AS THE largest privately held printer of magazines, catalogs and other commercial products in the Western Hemisphere—and the third-largest printer, public or private, in the nation—Quad/Graphics employs more than 12,000 people worldwide in 10 core domestic printing plants, as well as operations in Poland, Argentina and Brazil. With a resumé like that, it’s no wonder that being “green” is extremely important to this mega printer.

New Equipment, Jobs Expansion for Schmidt Printing
October 24, 2008

BYRON, MN—Schmidt Printing, a web printing business owned by Taylor Corp., of North Mankato, MN, is implementing a $5 million investment campaign that sees the company adding as many as 30 new jobs, according to the Rochester (MN) Post-Bulletin. Among the equipment being installed are a new press and a collating machine.

Goss Posts M-600 Folia press Video Presentation Schedule
October 22, 2008

BOLINGBROOK, IL—October 22, 2008—The all-new Goss M-600 Folia press will take center stage at Graph Expo in the form of a video presentation highlighting its live performance at the drupa show in May.  Presentations will be held daily throughout the show at 10:30 am, 11:30 am, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm at booth #2235.

Offset Presses at GRAPH EXPO to Underscore Printers' Need for Productivity, Versatility
October 17, 2008

RESTON, VA—10/17/08—The three factors that reportedly most influence the purchase decision of an offset press are speed, price and quality—which isn’t altogether surprising, considering that printers become subject to those same considerations when it comes to trying to win print jobs. “The only way a printer can survive today is to have control over the cost of the printed product,” says Don Bence, vice president of Sakurai USA Inc., “Unfortunately, commercial printing is being treated as a commodity today, with extreme price pressures in the market.”

Power Printers Training Sessions to be Offered by manroland
October 2, 2008

WESTMONT, IL—10/02/08—The Power Printers training program at manroland has attracted much attention in recent years.  Pressroom personnel and management throughout North America were impressed by what they learned and have shared that knowledge with others in their organizations.  With several classes remaining on the schedule in 2008, more than 2,500 people will have earned Power Printers certification in the last five years.

manroland Debuts Graph Expo Section on Website
September 29, 2008

WESTMONT, IL—09/29/08—Attendees for next month’s Graph Expo can save time and jumpstart their research in preparation for the show by checking out manroland’s newly updated Web site at manroland’s clever approach of using video and pop-ups gives visitors an insightful preview about its PRINTVALUE program and other events planned around the show, which runs from October 26-29 at McCormick Place in Chicago.

KBA Reports 2008 Sales and Profit Targets No Longer Attainable
September 26, 2008

WÜRZBURG, GERMANY—09/26/08—Following a supervisory board meeting to discuss the latest financial figures, Koenig & Bauer AG (KBA) management board announced a downward adjustment in the 2008 earnings forecast issued on 31 March and reaffirmed at the AGM on 19 June in the wake of a highly successful Drupa trade fair. KBA anticipates a slide in group sales for the current financial year (ending 31 December) from €1.6bn to around €1.5bn. Pre-tax earnings, which were originally set to equal last year’s figure of €63.2m, will turn negative in view of a considerable slump in sales of sheetfed presses, provisions for consolidating sheetfed production activities, and adjustments in inventory value.

Quebecor World Creditors Seek Lawsuit
September 19, 2008

MONTREAL—Some creditors of bankruptcy-protected Quebecor World have asked the court for permission to file suit against the printer, seeking $376 million they claim was paid to 14 private lenders prior to bankruptcy to buy back its debt.