Data-Mail Inc.
Idealliance is pleased to announce that 11 industry leaders will be inducted into the association’s Soderstrom Society.
The printers who attended the 5th annual Inkjet Summit left with the bearings and insights they needed to gain a competitive advantage.
Advisory Board members Marco Boer, IT Strategies, Barb Pellow, InfoTrends, and Elizabeth Gooding, Insight Forums, share trends and takeaways from Inket Summit 2017.
A changing digital landscape and a market flooded with stimuli have marketers and printers reevaluating their direct mail strategies.
After a successful integration of its first Truepress monochrome machine, Data-Mail recently added a second Screen Truepress Jet520EX.
Dan Thornton, president of RR Donnelley’s Response Marketing, explains the best ways to respond to challenges with direct mail.
Expanding its capacity, Data-Mail has added a fourth and fifth Pitney Bowes MailStream Directs from MCS Inc.