Green My Parents, which was launched on this year's Earth Day, shows kids how their families can save more than $100 a year through efforts such as turning off and unplugging devices that waste electricity, printing responsibly and choosing to walk or bike instead of driving. Domtar will be the exclusive paper and forestry partner for Green My Parents.
Domtar Paper
Advertisements will appear in major U.S. and Canadian media outlets, including: The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Globe & Mail, Fast Company, Audubon, National Geographic and other consumer and trade publications. The campaign will also feature online banner ads and a series of short videos that will appear in a variety of online media.
Domtar will make an annual contribution of $350,000 to WWF from the sale of its EarthChoice products, with the licensing agreement now covering all papers in the line, including office paper. Domtar also participates in WWF's Global Forest & Trade Network, an initiative to eliminate illegal logging and improve the management of valuable and threatened forests.
For the most part, coated and uncoated offset papers run reasonably well on toner-based digital systems but, with inkjet, it's a whole different ball game. Inkjet inks have a high water content, and tend to soak into uncoated papers or sit up on coated papers where they may smear.
Sustainability and green printing news from Printing Impressions' August 2010 edition, featuring Berman Printing's Sustainability Expo.
Domtar Corp. has raised the maximum aggregate consideration from $350 million to $450 million with respect to its previously announced tender offer for its outstanding shares.
Called "Put in on paper," the campaign involving print ads, Facebook and YouTube is aimed younger consumers who are less likely to print than baby boomers.
Commercial printing industry news briefs, including items on Quad/Graphics, Worldcolor and Smith Litho.
MIAMISBURG, OH—NewPage Corp. has reached an agreement with Domtar Corp. of Montreal to purchase Domtar's coated groundwood paper product lines and book of business. The purchase follows Domtar's decision to exit this business and close its Columbus, MS, paper mill.
Domtar says it will permanently close its coated groundwood paper mill in Columbus, MS, and exit this business.