4walls is enhancing its décor production business with the installation of an EFI VUTEk GS2000LX Pro, purchased at the 2016 SGIA Expo.
This year marked SGIA Expo’s largest trade show floor ever, a whopping 272,700 sq. ft.
Several new offerings from EFI will be shown for the first time in North America at the 2016 SGIA Expo.
Rich Thompson of Ad Graphics has been named the new chairman for the SGIA 2017 board of directors. Thompson was appointed along with incoming First Vice Chairman Edward Cook of ECI Screen Print; Second Vice Chairman Thomas Cooper of WestRock Merchandising Displays; and Third Vice Chairman Scott Crosby of Holland & Crosby Limited.
EFI’s booth at Labelexpo Americas will include the enhanced EFI Jetrion 4950LXe LED inkjet narrow-web press with white ink.
Coming on the heels of drupa, Graph Expo will be a great opportunity to see some of the latest product announcements made at drupa.
EFI’s performance in the 2016 awards program marks the sixth year that the company has earned the most Must See ‘Ems honors.
A new EFI Inkjet center based in Londonderry, N.H., will allow consolidation of EFI’s operations into a single facility.
Bill Duerr, the president of Hatteras, in Tinton Falls, N.J., logged his first hours with the company while scraping paint at 14 years old. Now, at the spry age of 32, Duerr is definitely an old soul, proud of his firm’s reputation for providing quality work, on time and as promised. That reputation was forged through trust and the hard work of Hatteras’ 300-employee team (and it is a team effort, as the company shirts will attest).
EFI has released a Fiery digital front end (DFE), EFI Fiery E-23C DFE, that drives the next generation of Ricoh’s family of color MFPs.