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Binding and finishing news from Printing Impressions’ May 2011 edition, featuring items on Spiel Associates and Love's Echo Media.
Binding and finishing news from Printing Impressions’ December 2010 edition, featuring items on Spiel Associates, Boneck Printing and The Binding Industries Association 2011 Product of Excellence Awards.
Here’s an exclusive, PRE-SHOW PREVIEW showcasing new products submitted by many of the exhibitors that will be displaying their wares next month in Chicago. Colter & Peterson will showcase the BASA 3, which features an automatic jogging system that can automatically form layers of printed sheets, align them accurately and transport them to the subsequent cutting process. The BASA 3 is appropriate for paper from 16-lb. bond to 125-lb. tag, and is effective when combined with a modern, rear-table-feeding system. Existing gripper transport systems can be retrofitted. Visit www.piworld.com/infocenter: enter #377 MBO America will introduce the Super KTZ, featuring a knife-folding unit that
Finishing gear filled a few halls at DRUPA, with computerized integration more prevalent than ever before. BY BOB NEUBAUER Computers have integrated themselves into the postpress world more than ever. From monitoring machine functions to linking with digital workflows, the latest bindery equipment is smarter than ever. Take Heidelberg's Stitchmaster ST 400, shown in its immense finishing area at DRUPA. Data generated at the impositioning stage of the prepress process can be loaded into the ST 400's press-setting program. Also, feeding, gathering, stitching and cutting are all monitored to prevent time-consuming jams. Here are some of the highlights from the show. MBO demonstrated the new Navigator Control-Touch and