IST’s new LEDcure SCR boasts 30% more output than other LED systems. It is designed to be retrofit to new or existing presses.
At the Labelexpo in Brussels, IST METZ is presenting the MBS range with its standard Hot Swap functionality at booth 5D21.
At PRINT 17, Integration Technology North America will be showcasing its latest developments from its LEDcure product program.
About 1,000 printers and others from 35 countries attended IST UV Days making this year’s edition the largest in the series to date.
The following is a sampling of just some of the new products that were featured at drupa 2016.
At drupa, IST METZ demonstrated its prowess with the largest product portfolio of UV systems worldwide.
At drupa, IST Metz is demonstrating two of its IST UV technologies on a six-color Heidelberg XL 75 Anicolor 2 with coater machine.
IST METZ’s appearance at the drupa trade fair will focus on high-performance UV LED systems.
Global UV systems manufacturer IST METZ will be displaying a large portfolio of UV products at drupa 2016.
At drupa 2016, IST METZ will showcase its portfolio of high-performance UV LED systems.