Komori America

IWCO Direct Adds New Komori Lithrone to Produce Promotional Plastic, Paper Cards
December 14, 2016 at 9:31 am

IWCO Direct has installed a new Komori Lithrone (GL640C) press to produce promotional plastic and paper cards, including gift and loyalty cards. "The increase in ROMI that comes from using promotional cards in direct mail drove our decision to complement our investment in our digital platform with this press,” said Jim Andersen, IWCO direct CEO.

Komori Highlights the Impremia IS29 at an Open House in Tsukuba, Japan
December 13, 2016 at 8:58 am

We were in Japan last month, and as luck would have it, we were there at the same time that Komori held an open house to showcase its newest digital print solutions. This international event took place at Komori’s facility in Tsukuba, Japan, and drew hundreds of attendees from all over the Asia Pacific region. It also provided the opportunity to showcase its Impremia IS29, a B2-format, sheetfed, UV inkjet printer.