Kubin-Nicholson Corp.

Commercial printing industry supplier company and personnel news from Printing Impressions’ October 2013 edition, featuring Ruth Kelly Studio, Kubin-Nicholson, Allied Printing Services, SunDance Marketing Solutions and Boutwell, Owens & Co.
The 2012 Printing Impressions 400 list of the largest printing companies in the United States and Canada as ranked by annual sales.
Midwestern Printer Garners High Honor WASHINGTON, DC—The International Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in Prepress, Press and Postpress (CIP4) announced the first winner of the CIP4 International Print Production Innovation (CIPPI) award. In the category of "best cost/benefit realization as a result of process automation implementation," the application of Action Printing of Fond du Lac, WI, was selected by the CIP4's advisory board. california BURBANK—Merisel Inc., a graphic solutions provider, has acquired Los Angeles-based Crush Creative, a provider of digital imaging solutions. The acquisition partners Crush with ColorEdge Visual, a New York City-based commercial graphics and imaging center, and Comp24, a comp production
(Editor's Note: Company rankings for the current and previous years are based on figures reported in 2003. Therefore, companies that revised their 2002 revenues may have changed their 2002 ranking as compared with the ranking that appeared in last year's Printing Impressions 400. Similarly, the percentage change in sales is calculated on the most recent information provided.) 151 ('02: 147) The Hickory Printing Group, Hickory, NC Total Sales (Millions): $38.36 Previous Year's Sales (Millions): $40.01 Change (%): -4 Principal Officer: Thomas W. Reese Employees: 237 Primary Specialties: COM 50%; ADV 25%; DM 10%; CAT 10% Web Offset Press Units: 18 Sheetfed Press