Printwell Printing

Commercial printer equipment installations and other news from Printing Impressions’ November 2011 edition, featuring items on Lithoprint Corp. and Northeastern Envelope.
Commercial printing industry supplier company and personnel news from Printing Impressions' April 2010 edition.
Frances Robertson has been named vice president of sales and marketing for Liberty Graphics, Euless, TX. Scott Brink has been hired by Print-Tech LLC, in Mountainside, NJ, as its new general manager. Brink brings with him 20 years of experience in commercial, financial and direct mail web and sheetfed offset lithography. Richard Dunn has been named vice president and director of Von Hoffmann's Jefferson City, MO, manufacturing facility. Before joining Von Hoffmann, Dunn held the position of vice president and general manager of Quebecor World's Dubuque, IA, plant. Prior to his assignment in Dubuque, Dunn was division vice president of Quebecor World's distribution and fulfillment
Eschol Harrell has been promoted to the position of account manager at Walton Press, Atlanta, after previously serving as a prepress operator for the company. Harrell has 22 years of publishing production management experience. Lynn McCoy has joined the executive team at DS Graphics, Lowell, MA. She comes to the company with an extensive professional background, including the active president of e-Source International. In other company news, T.C. Kuan is the company's new chief information officer. He is the co-founder of eSource International. Terry McLaughlin has been named senior vice president of sales administration at Segerdahl Graphics, Wheeling, IL. Previously, McLaughlin was vice president of sales.
The Printing Industries of America and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have entered into an agreement to establish a collaborative relationship to develop printing industry-wide voluntary guidelines to reduce injuries. The Graphic Arts Employers, a committee of PIA that serves unionized printers, has committed $20,000 in resources to begin the project. The alliance agreement will stress outreach and communications with the industry, promote a national dialogue on workplace safety and health, and improve training and education on ergonomics issues. EU Services, Rockville, MD, recently promoted two members of its customer service department to senior account managers. Lisa Fish has been an account manager
Donnelley Gets USPS Certified CHICAGO—R.R. Donnelley has become the first commercial printer to be approved for the second phase of PostalOne! certification by the United States Postal Service—for the electronic submission of postal statements. PostalOne! is a system that allows for electronic submission of postage statements and corresponding presort documentation. Gateway Installs Perfecting Unit LOUISVILLE, KY—An eight-unit Mitsubishi Diamond 3000R perfecting press has been installed at Gateway Press. The press features a centralized operator makeready and control system (COMRAC). Sheridan Books Adds Web Press CHELSEA, MI—Sheridan Books has installed a Timsons T48A arch web press at its facility here. The press, which features a simultaneous plate changing