Business Management

Owning/managing a commercial printing or digital printing operation brings challenges, be it
common business issues such as profitability, employee benefits, staffing and succession planning
or industry-specific ones like declining print volumes, over capacity and industry consolidation.

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Everything Means Something.

After an efficient doctor visit, Bill Gillespie wondered if it had to do with the book he was toting and how it applies to sales.

Get Perplexed by AI

As if AI isn't confusing enough, they had to go and name one important AI tool "Perplexity." Thankfully, Bill and Emma offer insight.

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Recent Video

Discover how a Winnie the Pooh book, produced by Hemlock Printing for its client Who Gives a Crap, used recycled materials and sustainable practices to confront the issue of deforestation in the toilet paper industry. This award-winning project showcases innovative visual communications that make an environmental impact.

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