Flag Contest Waves In 50th Anniversary BERRYVILLE, VA—Berryville Graphics, a book products manufacturer that’s part of arvato Print, a Bertelsmann company, has begun a year-long celebration of its 50th anniversary. As part of the celebration, a Berryville 50th anniversary flag design contest was created for the plant’s workers. Four Colour Imports, a Louisville, KY-based book manufacturing representative for Friesens Printing in Canada and Everbest Printing in China, has hired Ronald Hicks as the company’s Northeast sales representative covering New York City and New England. Also, Kara Mills transitions into sales from production manager, handling 10 states. Bob Hanon, former owner of Hanon Printing, has joined
BERRYVILLE, VA—Berryville Graphics, reportedly the nation's third-largest book manufacturer, recently obtained its first patent and may soon seek another. The patent was issued for the company's Duratech bookbinding process, an alternative to traditional smythe sewing that provides a "lay-open" quality for easy reading. Duratech uses a pliable cold adhesive, twice-reinforced with hotmelt and pulled into an old-world European-styled spine that has been tested by independent labs for durability. Developed by Berryville engineers for use in conjunction with the company's linked in-line system, the Duratech process takes six-and-a-half minutes from binding to jacketed product, and produces 110 bound books per minute. The Duratech patent is