Chris Breault has been named vice president of sales for the Banta Book Group, Western region. He is headquartered out of Banta's Santa Clara, CA, office. Breault brings five years of experience as a senior sales executive in Banta's Western region. John Wetzel has been hired as sales director for Payne Printery, Dallas. Previously, Wetzel established J.L. Printech, a commercial printing brokerage firm. As president, he directed all sales and marketing, and personally called on all key accounts. Mark E. Little has been hired as a corporate officer and president of the document management strategic business unit for Standard Register, Dayton, OH. Before joining the company,
Santa Clara, CA
The latest advances in digital photography and color scanning make image capture not only a snap, but exceptionally high quality. And the prices may be coming down, too. BY ALLISON ECKEL Take no specifications for granted. "The old models for discussing image quality are starting to dissolve with respect to evaluating the potential quality of an image," states Eric Zarakov, vice president of marketing for Foveon, a Santa Clara, CA-based manufacturer of image sensors and capture systems. While commenting on Foveon's recent digital chip breakthrough, Zarakov has voiced a trend in the digital image capture industry. Everything you thought you knew about the numbers