A. John Geis

Mark Michelson now serves as Editor Emeritus of Printing Impressions. Named Editor-in-Chief in 1985, he is an award-winning journalist and member of several industry honor societies. Reader feedback is always encouraged. Email mmichelson@napco.com

Following his time working at printers such as Western Publishing, and at GATF, Mr. Geis launched his own consulting business in 1989. He authored two well-known technical books through GATF, "Printing Plant Layout and Facility Design" and "Materials Handling for the Printer." He also presented many expert seminars and wrote several articles for printing journals, including Printing Impressions.

The Graphic Arts Technical Foundation's Society of Fellows has inducted Lisle T. Caldwell, Gerald A. Henseler, Lawrence M. Miller and Murray I. Suthons. The GATF society honors industry leaders who have made outstanding contributions to the progress of GATF, PIA and PGSF. Caldwell served as GATF pressroom manager during the foundation's move from Chicago to Pittsburgh in 1965. He also developed the GATF sheetfed operating workshop in 1969 and designed the first GATF test form. Henseler is presently executive vice president and CFO with Banta Corp. He has served as GATF secretary, treasurer, vice-chair and chairman. Miller is currently corporate vice president for sales

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