CHENEQUA, WI--Harry V. Quadracci, 66, who grew Pewaukee, WI-based Quad/Graphics from a startup company, funded by taking out a second mortgage on his home, into the largest privately held commercial printer in the United States, died July 29. Mr. Quadracci's body was found approximately 3 p.m. that day in about four and a half feet of water in Pine Lake near his home here, according to Chenequa Police. His family contacted the police around 12:30 p.m. and reported Mr. Quadracci missing. The cause of death is under investigation, according to Robert Douglas, chief of police. An autopsy by the Waukesha County Medical Examiners Office concluded he
Harry R. Quadracci
During his nearly 70-year career, Harry R. Quadracci has overseen 121 press installations. BY ERIK CAGLE It didn't take long for Harry R. Quadracci to prove what kind of man he was. In fact, he proved it while still a boy. The Quadracci family had moved to America from Italy in 1906 in search of a better life. His father opened a grocery store in Racine, WI, after they settled in, but The Great Depression would leave millions of people, the Quadraccis included, bankrupt. That's when Harry Quadracci stepped to the forefront. He had taken up printing at the age of 15 as a