Peter Schaefer

Peter Schaefer, partner at New Direction Partners, is an experienced dealmaker with more than 25 years of investment banking and valuation experience, 20 of which has been focused exclusively on the printing and packaging industries. He has closed more than one hundred transactions in virtually every segment of the printing and packaging industries. In addition, he has performed hundreds of valuations for ESOPs, estate and gift tax planning and strategic planning purposes. Contact him at (610) 230-0635, ext. 701.

Ashley Roberts is Content Director of Printing Impressions.

On this episode of The Week that Was, Mark Michelson spoke with Peter Schaefer about the state of M&A activity; Koenig & Bauer named Ran Landau senior VP of sales; ePS Connect happened last week; Cheryl Kahanec addresses the labor shortage; and Andy Paparozzi discusses the 2022-2023 State of the Industry report.

Peter Schaefer, a partner at New Direction Partners (NDP), discusses the NDP Stock Price Index. New Direction Partners began monitoring two metrics in late 2014 that are being shown quarterly in Printing Impressions - the two charts are the NDP printing and packaging EBIDTA trend chart and the NDP printing and packaging stock index. In this video, Schaefer highlights the trend and the stock prices for the two industry segments.

Peter Schaefer, a partner at New Direction Partners, discusses the trend in EBITDA multiples for both the printing and packaging industry segments. According to Schaefer, there is both positive and encouraging news for both industries, but better news if you are a packager than a printer.

Just as the printing and packaging markets are changing rapidly, so too is the landscape for industry M&A activity.  Whether you're a potential buyer or a seller, it's more critical than ever to stay abreast of today's valuation multiples, deal structures and growth markets.  Since knowledge is power, don't miss the opportunity to hear today's leading industry M&A experts share their wisdom and insight.

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