Sponsored by: New Direction Partners
Peter Schaefer, Partner, New Direction Partners and Paul Reilly, Partner, New Direction Partners
Most family-owned businesses do little, if any succession planning. This is a significant oversight – the need for succession planning has never been greater. A recent Kiplinger Report stated, “Expect a glut of firms to go up for sale as thousands of baby boomers retire. With about 8,000 Americans turning 60 every day, more and more business owners are thinking about retiring ... an estimated 750,000 companies owned by boomers—one in every six—will be looking for buyers, up fifteen-fold from 2001.”
Whether or not you are one of those thinking about retiring, don’t omit this important part of your company’s strategic planning process.
During this session, participants will learn about the key elements of the plan to successfully transfer leadership and ownership of a printing and packaging firm. A good succession plan should always be in place and should be updated at least annually.
The program will focus on:
• Succession Plan types and options
• Key elements of a succession plan.
• Leadership and Ownership changes.
• Valuation methods.
Sponsored by New Direction Partners
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