THRIVE! in a Difficult Economy
Sponsored by: Hewlett-Packard
John Zucco, President, Color Portraits; Eric Danner, President and Co-Owner, Mail Print
As a nation, we've witnessed dramatic financial swings over the last few years - from boom times to economic lassitude. Most frustrating of all, there's no foolproof way to predict the economy's next move. The only thing that is certain is change. Graphic communications service providers that have made the right investments are thriving in this challenging economy. They have invested in infrastructure and staffing to deliver profitable value added services. They have established annuity based programs with clients. They have developed super-efficient workflow to be the most cost effective provider.
Join Printing Impressions, Barb Pellow and HP for this webinar, designed to share with you how graphic communications firms have repositioned their organizations for double digit revenue growth despite difficult economic conditions.
In the session you will also hear from graphic communications service providers and how they have:
* Retooled manufacturing to be come the most cost effective service provider
* Implemented "web to print" for customer self service and maximize customer service efficiency
* Re-engineered product and service offerings to drive annuity based programs
If you feel challenged in today's market, this webinar will share strategies to stabilize your business.
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