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Now Available! Web Portals, New Path to Print Profitability.

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"Now Available! Web Portals, New Path to Print Profitability."

This new report from NAPCO Research uncovers market trends and customer demands that are fueling development and use of web portals.

The research identified many benefits commercial printers offering customized portals are experiencing and indicated that many past challenges in implementing and supporting web portals have been resolved.

Access the full report to discover:

  • The opportunities and challenges in offering web portals.
  • The benefits of offering print customers access to customized web portals, including helping customers better manage, monitor, and control spending, ordering, and branding across multiple applications (e.g., print, promo, apparel, digital).
  • The value of offering organizations web portals for managing multiple customer marketing and communication requirements beyond print, from digital to apparel to promotional products

Print providers can apply these research findings to justify investment to enhance web portals to improve customer experiences, increase customer utilization, expand features, and increase sales revenue.

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